We definitely need more sensitivity and acceptance in our world; and a new book, What Do You See? Developing New Perspectives with Quilt Patterns seeks to do that. Written by Nancy Bordine with illustrations by Jonny Jimison, the 39 page book shows children who are diverse, not only by heritage but also by ability. They are interacting with items associated with different quilt patterns. The book also includes a brief biography of the featured children, learning activities, paper doll/craft stick cut-outs, two blank pages, and a QR code so teachers and parents can visit the author’s website for more activities.

That’s certainly a lot, but I found myself wanting more. I wanted the names of the quilt patterns to be identified somewhere on the page. I thought creating each child’s biography was a wonderful idea, but I wish their stories had related more to quilts rather than other members of their families (who aren’t pictured). I’m sure many modern-day teachers will have no trouble with the QR code for more details, but a less tech-savvy person, or one with no access to technology, might miss out on useful information.

I love the idea of using a quilt, with its many diverse pieces joined together to make one beautiful and useful piece, to show how we, as diverse people, should join together to become as one community. I’d like to see a sentence like that at the opening or closing of “What Do You See?”.  A valuable message like that, I think, should be in print for those who might, otherwise, miss that point.